February Traditions in Europe - The European Gift Store

February Traditions in Europe

February is the month of love and celebrations in Europe! From romantic dinners to elaborate carnivals, there’s something special happening all over the continent throughout this time of year.

In France, lovers exchange chocolate and other gifts on Feb. 14th to celebrate St. Valentine's Day. And for those more adventures couples looking for a fine dining experience, Paris offers exceptional options like the Jules Verne restaurant located inside the Eiffel Tower. Meanwhile In Spain - particularly in Catalonia - locals take part in a festive parade commonly known as La Cavalcade des Rois Mages (The Three Kings Parade). Friends come together for a night of music and dancing while children watch colorful floats pass by with kings riding by on horseback or camel-back throwing candy into the crowds.

Italy is famous for its vibrant Carnival festivities, which often last weeks before Ash Wednesday comes around. Children and adults alike dress up in fancy costumes to parade through streets filled with confetti while vendors sell delicious sweets like sugared almonds and chocolates.

In Germany, you'll find that February brings plenty of festive fun too! Every year Berlin hosts one of the world’s largest Winter festivals called Berlinale where films from all over are showcased alongside exciting events and concerts taking place throughout the city. And just outside Hamburg lies a picturesque village called Husum where people gather each winter for a magical festival full of ice skating, rides, bonfires, live music and much more!

No matter which European country you find yourself in during February, chances are there will be something wonderful awaiting you!

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