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Cardboard DIY House for Kids

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This color-it-yourself and assemble-it-yourself house for children is the perfect gift idea for Children’s Day, birthdays, or any other special occasion. It supports the development of creativity and logical thinking and encourages artistic activity. It provides the “little architect” with limitless opportunities to develop their invention and imagination while stimulating their creativity. This playhouse won’t just be another toy in their room, but you can co-create a story and look for it exactly as the child wishes. Have they long dreamed of their own cafe? Or would they like a place to fix their model cars? Make this your unique tradition:

  1. Assemble the house together. It takes about 15 minutes.
  2. Come up with a plan for how to decorate it and what type of house it will be. The house has doors and window shutters that open. With its counter and blackboard showcase, the house can transform into a cafe, store, pizzeria, post office, making it a wonderful play area for a long time.
  3. Next, paint and create decorations for the house. The house can be painted, and its facade can be adorned with materials such as colored paper, fabric materials, leftover wallpaper, chalk, colored pencils, paints, felt stickers, foam, and many other materials according to intuition and creativity. The little house offers endless fun – the child can play in the house they’ve created and build their reality.
  • The house consists of 6 main construction elements and 21 additional connection and decorative elements.
  • Its exceptionally large dimensions, 1150x950x1470 mm, allow bigger kids or those in early school grades to play freely. Delivered flat (multi-element) for self-assembly (instructions are included)
  • The product is made of durable cardboard, one-sided bleached, five-layer EB corrugated cardboard 4 mm thick, and three-layer bleached cardboard.
  • It takes about 15 minutes to assemble the house. The house can be assembled by one person, but two are recommended.
  • A wonderful opportunity to spend time with the child both indoors and outdoors. The house can also be used in the garden, but you should take care to protect it from moisture.
  • Each set contains elements necessary for the quick and easy connection of two houses into one larger house, making it a great attraction for a larger group of children, e.g., in kindergarten or during a birthday party. NOTE: The cardboard house does not fit in a parcel machine. Please choose courier delivery.

Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days.
Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days. 

EST: Ise värvitav ja kokkupandav maja lastele on ideaalne kingiidee lastekaitsepäevaks, sünnipäevaks või mõneks muuks eriliseks tähtpäevaks. See toetab loovuse ja loogilise mõtlemise arengut ning ergutab kunstilist tegevust. See annab “pisikesele arhidektile” piiramatud võimalused arendada oma leiutist ja kujutlusvõimet, ergutades samal ajal tema loomingulisust. Sellest mängumajast ei saa mitte ainult üks järjekordne mänguasi tema toas, vaid sellele saate luua üheskoos just sellise loo ja väljanägemise nagu laps soovib. On ta juba ammu unistanud oma kohvikust? Või tahaks ta kohta, kus oma mudelautosid parandada? Tehke sellest teie eriline traditsioon:

  1. pange üheskoos maja kokku. See võtab umbes 15 minutit.
  2. mõelge välja plaan, kuidas seda kaunistada ning mis majake sellest saab. Majal on avatavad uksed ja aknaluugid. Tänu leti ja tahvliga vitriinile võib maja muutuda näiteks kohvikuks, kaupluseks, pitsabaariks, postkontoriks, muutes maja suurepäraseks mängupaigaks pikemaks ajaks.
  3. seejärel värvige ja looge majale kaunistused. Maja saab värvida ja fassaadi saab kaunistada erinevatest materjalidest nagu: värviline paber, tekstiilmaterjalid, tapeedijäänused, kriit, värvipliiatsid, värvid, viltkleebised, vahtplast ja palju muid materjale vastavalt äratundmisele ja loomingulisusele.
  4. Majake pakub lõputult palju lõbu – laps saab mängida just enda loodud majas ja luua enda reaalsus.
  • Maja koosneb 6 konstruktsiooni moodustavast põhielemendist ja 21 täiendavast ühendus- ja dekoratiivelemendist.
  • Maja erakordselt suured mõõtmed, 1150x950x1470 mm, võimaldavad vabalt mängida suurematel lastel või varajases kooliastmes.
    Tarnitakse tasasel (mitmeelemendilisel) kujul ise kokkupanemiseks (juhend on saadetisega kaasas)
  • Toode on valmistatud vastupidavast papist, ühepoolsest pleegitatud, viiekihilisest EB lainepapist paksusega 4 mm ja kolmekihilisest pleegitatud lainepapist.
  • Majakese kokkupanemiseks kulub umbes 15 minutit. Maja saab kokku panna ühe inimese, soovitavalt kahe inimesega.
  • Suurepärane võimalus lapsega aega veeta nii kodus kui väljas. Maja saab kasutada ka aias, siis tuleks hoolitseda niiskuse eest kaitsmise eest.
  • Iga komplekt sisaldab elemente, mis on vajalikud kahe maja kiireks ja lihtsaks ühendamiseks üheks suuremaks majaks, mis on suurepärane atraktsioon suuremale lastegrupile nt. lasteaias või sünnipäevapeo ajal
  • NB: Papist maja ei mahu pakiautomaati. Palun valige kuller.

Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.

Payments Accepted
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • ApplePay
  • GooglePay
  • Paypal
  • Afterpay
  • Affirm
  • Gift Card
Free Shipping over $25

The European Gift Store offers standard free shipping in the continental USA with orders over $25.00

USA (Continental) Flat Rate Shipping (2- 14 day delivery)

$3.95 fee for orders under $25

FREE for orders over $25

Perishable & Chocolate Shipping Options

During hotter months of April - September, perishable and products that melt easily require expedited 1-2 day shipping for $25.00 and will be packages with cold ice packs to keep your order cool during transit.  Please note that ice packs will melt during transit but will keep your product cool during shipping.

Candy & Chocolate shipments are not guaranteed to arrive in solid form with out the purchase of this insulated packaging and shipping. We do not accept liability for melted merchandise without expedited shipping. Any melted or spoiled items will only be replaced if you have purchased the Perishable Shipping or Next Day Air options.

Please note that the cooled shipping option is only able to retain the temperature of your goods for approximately 30-40 hours. We highly recommend pairing the cooling supplies with our faster Next Day Air shipping method for all heat sensitive and perishable items, which will help minimize exposure during transit. You may choose the slower shipping at your own risk, however we can not guarantee that the merchandise will arrive without damage during hotter temperature months of April - September. We strongly suggest Next Day & 2nd Day Air shipping for all perishable shipments.

We will not ship chocolate or perishable items later in the week, to avoid the package sitting in hot terminals or trucks during transit.

Cardboard DIY House for Kids
Cardboard DIY House for Kids
Cardboard DIY House for Kids
Cardboard DIY House for Kids
Cardboard DIY House for Kids
Cardboard DIY House for Kids
Cardboard DIY House for Kids
Cardboard DIY House for Kids
Cardboard DIY House for Kids